Changing text block content by language attribute and by select box in editor
I would like to build a multi language webpage. I don't want to build a separate tree or duplicate page for every language. This would make lot of extra effort for the client, because he then would have to duplicate all inline contents like images too...
Is there a way to switch the contents of a text block by changing a language attribute in the backend view? I mean a select box at the text edit view where the editor can change the content language and enter different versions...
Thanks for help und regards.
I would like to build a multi language webpage. I don't want to build a separate tree or duplicate page for every language. This would make lot of extra effort for the client, because he then would have to duplicate all inline contents like images too...
Is there a way to switch the contents of a text block by changing a language attribute in the backend view? I mean a select box at the text edit view where the editor can change the content language and enter different versions...
Thanks for help und regards.
In example the startpage is english and german, it just switches the language. Which means it's choosing the english version from the content block's history.
English and German histories are merged into one history there. Don't ask me why this works. It works :D
But I don't know if this is recomandable.
**I would open vote thread for multilanguage..**
When you go on and on you can see that it probably detects your language is not german, so it will display you an english nav altough you can see the german content when you into the /produkte url. I just mean that's possible. because I switch content areas too.
The only problem with that is, that you need to modify the search to work with that. But the search function is not working properly anyway.. so.. you better intgrate a google search.