changing theme (newbie)

hi, I am trying to change the theme of this site
I want to get rid of the sidebar. When I go to the dashboard - theme, I select the no sidebar theme click save but it doesn't change the page.

Also there is a dot that appears under the page title, where can I edit this?

Thanks for any help.


Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jacques,

Instead of trying to change the theme, you need to select a different page type within your current theme.
While logged in: Hover over "Edit" in the top left of the page and you'll see "Design" in the resulting drop-down. Select "Design" and choose "Full" as your page type and click save.
Hope this helps :)

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
Jaco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Adrian, yes that's exactly what I am doing, I didn't explain it properly. When I select a different page I don't get it on the change web page.
RobertJNL replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jacques,

First go to Dashboard > Pagetypes and look at the Handle of the pagetype you are tring to select. This name corresponds with file within the php files available at /packages/theme_#YourThemeName/themes/YourThemeName/

so pagetype handle right_sidebar would be right_sidebar.php in that folder.
If there is no .php file matching the pagetype handle; the default.php is used and that might be a reason why you do not see any visual changes.
These YourPageType.php files would also be the place to find the dot you are looking for.

Jaco replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, the directory structure is this one instead of the one you mentioned:

There is a default.php and a right_sidebar.php but no CV.php which is the one I am trying to use.

So where do I go from here?

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jacques,
Two things come to mind. Make sure All cache is turned off and cleared (especially full page caching if enabled). This is done from the Systems & Settings page of the Dashboard.
Go to Dashboard > Pages & Themes > Themes > and select "Inspect" after Eloquent to view all installed theme pages and see if any action is required to activate a page.

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
RobertJNL replied on at Permalink Reply
I suspect you added the pagetype CV in your dashboards pagetypes section. In that case you'd also need to create (or copy right_sidebar) a corresponding cv.php in your theme directory which will then be used for all those pages.
To see a difference between the two pages you'd then have to adjust your cv.php html, possibly also css, to get the columns you'd like.

If you haven't setup your own pagetype in dashboard and believe the CV pagetype is part of the theme you got (im not familiair with eloquent theme) it should be right in there.
Jaco replied on at Permalink Reply
Would it be better if I started over from scratch, maybe I caused this problem initially and hopefully I can avoid it in the new site.