Changing title site wide

I have read others posts, who seemed to have this problem, but their resolutions didn't resolve mine.

On a new site, the Header Title is "My Page".
I went into the "sitewide settings" and changed it to the Title that I desired, yet nothing has changed on any of the pages - including the home page.
What am I not doing?

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Go to your Dashboard > Scrapbook > Global Scrapbook.
It will say "Content: "My_Site_Name". On the other side of the page click Edit.

Type in whatever you want to name your site and save.

That should do it.

You can also remove the text and add an image; the image being the logo of your business or site.
drewz replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that hint which I would have never guessed myself. It is bizarre, and completely counter-intuitive, that everywhere else on a page one can just click a block and select Edit, but not the header block/title. Who would have thought to look in Scrapbook?!!!
NUL76 replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you use meta title field?! It overwrites the standard page title...
If so, just leave the meta title of a page in properties blank and the page title will be automatically use the sites name (sitewide setting) plus the page name.
pixel8 replied on at Permalink Reply
yea, it's one of the hard things to find.. by the way, if you want to change the layout of the meta title of your page, you can put this into your site.php (in config folder)

define('PAGE_TITLE_FORMAT', '%1$s – %2$s');

1$s is overall website title, and 2$s is the specific page title... you can style it as you want :)
MaineCoast replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm trying to add my logo in place of the site name and have tried following the instructions provided here - but I don't have a scrapbook named Global Scrabook or Global (only Admin's Personal Scrapbook with no option to edit). I created a new scrapbook called "Global Scrapbook" hoping this might do the trick, but no cigar. Nothing appears in it nor is there any edit option (since there's nothign to edit). Any ideas or alternatives to replace the site name with my graphic logo? THANKS in advance - I'm pulling my hair out.
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
MaineCoast have a look here for the logo info.
MaineCoast replied on at Permalink Reply
I did this, and was able to get the logo onto the first page of the site (homepage), but it's not spreading site wide, so on the other pages, where the logo should be there is a box with the word "Logo" and a red "X".

This is the code I used:

<h1 id="logo">
<a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/">
<img src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath()?>/images/MyLogoName.gif" alt="Logo" />

Am I doing something wrong??

Thanks in advance for any help.
wissam replied on at Permalink Reply
i ran into the same issue, have you found a salution for that?
cainKuri replied on at Permalink Reply
It work for me doing this...

i edit header.php and i found the code :
<h1 id="logo"><!--
--><a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/"><?php 
$block = Block::getByName('My_Site_Name');  
if( $block && $block->bID ) $block->display();   
else echo SITE;

and then i put the code inside a "span" with the name nologo, ending as follow :

<span class="nologo">
<h1 id="logo"><!--
--><a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/"><?php 
$block = Block::getByName('My_Site_Name');  
if( $block && $block->bID ) $block->display();   
else echo SITE;

And then, in the file main.css down below of the #page #header section i add the following code
#page #header .nologo {display: none;}

As someone comment, this is good for crawlers, but it's not visible who have sense. But I'm wondering if someone can do the very same with just CSS or in the "custom CSS" theme options (without messing with the files of the templates, ftp, upload, etc. Like someone said also, this is the first things people want to do when customizing a theme. Should be an easier way.