Chat feature

Can anyone tell me if there is a plugin or add-on to add a chat box to a page? I need to create private pages that allow chats between customers and myself.

12345j replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
docrocks replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Jack. Have you used it? Any insight on ease of use, reliability, conflicts etc.?
Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems like the people who bought it encoutnered some problems but they all got solved:

At the moment however it's the only chat available to be installed.
a different option would be using an Iframe in combination with for example some online chat in it.

ofcourse you can also go for a solution like live support. it's easy to impant and keeps your chats private. I recommend Livezilla for it (
docrocks replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the link to forum discussion on cometChat - I'll check it out. I need a record in the db of the chat text so I don't think live support will work.