Comment name color matching BG. How can we change it?


Have a look at the comments. Notice something missing?

The users name is not being shown. as its color matches the bg.

Also how can I set the default to automatticaly need the users to login, Instead public comments?


adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
As for the font color:

In your view.css for the guestbook block, add this

.contentByLine { color:white; }

Or use any other color you want. Take a look here for reference:

Since I am not using the guestbook block I don't know which settings can be done, but I think it might be an option in there to restrict comments to registered users only.
stonereptiles replied on at Permalink Reply
I added that to the bottom and it never worked is there a specific place I need to add it?
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Someone has been playing with the CSS.

Colours either match or are very close with the hex numbers.

As adajad said, look in the view.css of the guestbook, also look at typography.css, base.css and styles.css.

As for login see attached, you need to set to 'Users must login to C5'

Hope that helped

stonereptiles replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you. I was wondering if there was a way to set it to default. as everytime I add a blog page I must change that feature.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Try line 21 and 22 of guestbook add.php.

After value on line 21 cut 'checked' out and paste below after value on line 22.

I think?