Compare Version at the top of the page

I have an issue where I am getting several lines that say Compare Versions at the top of some of my pages when I am logged in as admin. I have deleted all old versions on those pages and verified that I have no Workflows associated but they won't go away. My client is getting very annoyed with it. HELP!

goutnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you post a screenshot ?
yolk replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the same, did you fix this?
CityMind replied on at Permalink Reply

This is the solution that worked for me.
yolk replied on at Permalink Reply
I managed to 'fix' it.
yolk replied on at Permalink Reply
CityMind, I did this.

Removed the two rows that were in the table named WorkflowRequestObjects, backup your database before doing that. And then this errored, because there was no checking in a core C5 file.

So I edited a core C5 file in concrete/tools/page_controls_menu_js.php, backup this file before editing it.

Around line 259 there is this

$wrk = $wr->getWorkflowRequestPermissionKeyObject();

This will fail as $wr is not an object, so change line 259 to

$wrk = $wr->getWorkflowRequestPermissionKeyObject();

This new code will check if $wr is present before racing ahead and trying to use it as an object.
GoldenMedium replied on at Permalink Reply
For an editor work around.. and not messing with the database .. this works for me...

Page Properties>
Custom Attributes>
Header Extra Content>
<style type="text/css">
div#ccm-page-status-bar {
display:none; }

or adjust css accordingly
senorsenior replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! It worked for me.