Concrete 5 Editor has Vanished???

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Hi there,

Does anyone know how to fix this problem... I was editing my website using Concrete 5 and I was having problems with a Theme so I decided to remove it. Unfortunately as this was the only Theme loaded into my Project, once I did this all of my Concrete 5 Editing Tools disappeared!? Now I don't know if this due to what I did as I'm a Newbie to this stuff, but right now all I have is a Blank Screen when I try to log into my Website.

If anyone can help me out I would appreciate it very much.


Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andrew,
Your theme only "skins" the front end of your site so you should still be able to access the dashboard and activate one of the core/default themes from there (or at least upload a new one).
go to for your login page. Once you've logged in, visit your dashboard by manually typing the dashboard url (
Once on your dashboard you should be able to activate one of themes listed under the "Pages & Themes" area.

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
andrewbissett replied on at Permalink Reply
Adrian.... Mate! You're a Genius! I got my Dashboard back... yaahhooo! Thanks so much for your help... I owe you one... Cheers!

Now I've just got to get my Website to work.

Thanks again.


andrewbissett replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Adrian... Sorry to bother you again Mate, but whilst I got my Dashboard back, I still can't see my website. I associated the relevant Licences back to my Project and my Theme shows up in my Dashboard and I can modify the settings of my Theme, but when I hit the "Return To Website" Button, all I get is a Blank Page. I have also tried the "Extend Concrete 5 - Install" function and a "Add Functionality" Window appears showing all of the "Currently Installed" Licences (which includes my chosen Theme) but the only option available to me is the "Edit" button.

The good thing is that all of my Files and Site Map are intact... but I just cant see my Website... any ideas as to what the problem might be?

I appreciate your help.

Cheers Andrew
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for the late reply.... dropped laptop :(

Although its installed, is your new theme activated? Go to Dashboard > Pages & Themes > Themes and click "inspect" to make sure your db recognizes the page types, then back to "Themes" and Activate for the entire website.
Let me know if this now works. Also: don't forget to clear cache (better yet, leave off while developing your site) by going to Dashboard > Systems & Settings > Optimization > Clear Cache (and cache & speed settings)

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
andrewbissett replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Adrian

Thanks again for coming to my assistance.

In the interim the Support Team have managed to restore my Website... evidently there was a Coding Error. I asked if it was something that I had done, but I didn't get an answer as to whether or not it was. But I'm back online now, which is all that matters.

I really appreciate the time you set aside to help me... and I'm sorry to hear about your Laptop, I hope you didn't loose anything... anyway, it's a good excuse to buy a new one!

I wish you all the best.

Cheers Andrew