Concrete Not Keeping User Session

I have a site running version (hangs head in shame – I know it's old).

A few weeks ago I logged into the site and everything was fine but today when I attempt to login, I get redirected to the homepage as normal but I no longer have the edit bar. When I attempt to browse to /dashboard I am prompted to log back in as if the CMS isn't keeping my user session. I've tried this in multiple browsers on multiple computers so it isn't a cookies issue.

No changes, to my knowledge, have been made. Certainly no changes to the PHP version. I am the only one who has the login information and haven't changed any concrete5 configuration settings.

Any ideas?

Additionally, as a last-ditch effort, where would I be able to manually edit sites directly in the database using phpMyAdmin? I've attempted to edit directly on the btContentLocal table but my changes are not appearing. Perhaps I need to invalidate a cache?

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Has your host unilaterally changed the environment? Perhaps upgraded the default php version?
atsjayson replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey John, thanks for your reply! The PHP version hasn't been changed but there are other environment details I'm not privy to that may have. That's the only thing I can suspect.
atsjayson replied on at Permalink Reply
[UPDATE]: Deleting /files/cache allowed my manual edit to appear, however, it didn't resolve the core user authentication issue.