Concrete5 is really testing my patience!! HELP!!

Does anyone out there know how to edit an extended form?? I have a form I created last year and want to edit it now. The page freezes in Google Chrome. I have no way to edit the form.

HELP!! Please!!

ratsom replied on at Permalink Reply
Bro, i haven't tried this but. Try getting 'Firebug' a debugger tool, then 'inspect elements' try manipulating the fields or input types. just put the CSS styles to where your main.css is located.
fingerwave replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Ratsom, I will give it a try.

-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community []
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 10:48 PM
Subject: Concrete5 is really testing my patience!! HELP!! : Editing with concrete5
jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
If this is for the Extended Form add on, perhaps posting a support question would give a quicker response: