concrete5 logs user out randomly.

If I log into concrete5 with the original admin or another user that has admin privileges it continually logs me out.

I can not figure out why this is happening - I tried upgrading to but this did not help? i have recently migrated 40 client installs of concrete5 varying version but just this one account has issues all the others have been fine so i don't think its the new server/host.

can anyone help me trouble shout this issue or tell me where i can begin.

if I tick always remember when logging in, then it looks to be ok. But if don't tick remember it keeps taking me back to the login screen when I try and go to different dashboard pages.

Any ideas anyone?

ecomatt replied on at Permalink Reply
also i now get access denied everywhere i have checked the access for users and they have access. but then i try list sub pages in site map i get access denied rather than the name of the subpage? if i keep clicking the plus button to see sub pages finally i might get the pages listed? so odd i don't know what t do.

can any one help with this or am i going to have to rebuild the site page by page.
ecomatt replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Solved this was due to a legacy php.ini file carried over from the previous hosting company.
silly me.