Concrete5 Microdata

Hey guy, I want to create some microdata snippets for google to munch up on. But everytime I add them to the code via the CMS it removes them again. Is there a work around or a way you can turn this "auto correct" off?

Here is our "incinerator" site:

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You are probably entering it using the content block. TinyMCE filters out many html elements and attributes, to reduce it to what tinyMCE can understand.

You should be able to get round it by using an html block.
barkingtuna replied on at Permalink Reply
That can't be the only solution at this point. My client needs to create content in the Content Block and wouldn't have a clue how to hand code in the HTML block. Is there no way to update tinyMCE to leave my microdata markup alone in the content block? Is there a newer version of tinymce that can be installed?
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
TinyMCE does have an "allowed tags" option that you can configure (via the dashboard). Somebody will still have to create the HTML in the first place, though. Even though you can configure tinymce to include new spans/blocks (can't remember if microdata is a tag or an attribute), the entire concept is a little too complex for someone not familiar with code to create in the first place, I think.

(Or... you could move away from tinymce, and use something like designer content...)
barkingtuna replied on at Permalink Reply
I agree that it is complex for someone who doesn't know basic HTML... but this is a situation where I am trying, after the fact, to go in an clean up their content and add the proper microdata for things like their address, phone number, logo etc. It's important because it is a self storage facility and is location based.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
There are some marketplace addons that do vcard microdata. Maybe one of them will be a good starting point.
