Concrete5 puliing REST API data
We are looking at ...finally... replacing our aging site, and Concrete5 is in the running. However, there is one very important thing we need to find out first. We have a couple database systems with REST API functionality. We want to make use of these systems rather than duplicating work.
These databases contain calendaring, facilities requests, events and registration information. Are there add-ons or functionality within Concrete5 where I can input the configuration data and pull information from a SQL source using the REST API and display it on a concrete5 site?
Thanks in advance... (crossing fingers for an amazing answer) :)
We are looking at ...finally... replacing our aging site, and Concrete5 is in the running. However, there is one very important thing we need to find out first. We have a couple database systems with REST API functionality. We want to make use of these systems rather than duplicating work.
These databases contain calendaring, facilities requests, events and registration information. Are there add-ons or functionality within Concrete5 where I can input the configuration data and pull information from a SQL source using the REST API and display it on a concrete5 site?
Thanks in advance... (crossing fingers for an amazing answer) :)

Unfortunately there are no 5.7 add-ons you would have to create your own package and write the API calls manually.
Thanks hutman. I appreciate it.
The v8 video on express objects suggests that creating an interface to an external api will be simplified. Opposite direction of API to what you are looking for.