Concrete5 SEO Guide
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Over the past couple of years I've seen a lot of people in the forums who were a bit confused about how concrete5 relates to search engine optimization (like people blaming the framework for not ranking well), so I decided to put together a pretty comprehensive Concrete5 SEO Guide. Hoping some here might find it helpful:
if anyone can think of any other seo tips or things I missed I'd love it if you'd add them to the comments there.
thanks - Tony
if anyone can think of any other seo tips or things I missed I'd love it if you'd add them to the comments there.
thanks - Tony

This is very helpful. THANKS!!!
Kind of you to compile this guide. Thanks!
Just wanted to add that concrete5 has a built in Bulk SEO tool you can get to by typing "seo" into intelligent search now, and there's a few add-ons that help as well if you search the marketplace for SEO.
Since Tony's great guide doesn't include information for SEO for concrete5 5.7 websites I'm including this link with some updated information:
As of version 5.7, you don't need a guide anymore. The 'Devoda SEO' Add-On gives you all the needed configurations (and guidance) for setting up a search-friendly concrete5 website.
Use it to enter page specific Social meta tags, or put some pages on noindex/nofollow, add users to the sitemap, have awesome SEO breadcrumbs, have your own page title format (also for Page Types) and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Also Humans TXT support, for if you care about humans visiting your site as well! :D
Use it to enter page specific Social meta tags, or put some pages on noindex/nofollow, add users to the sitemap, have awesome SEO breadcrumbs, have your own page title format (also for Page Types) and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Also Humans TXT support, for if you care about humans visiting your site as well! :D