Concrete Hosting 'Need for Speed'

I'm not sure what the best route for hosting a c5 site really is. I've tried find a few "Concrete5 hosted" sites, but I can only find two, including this one. The problem is,I'm on Media Temple grid servers, and they are very slow at loading pages from C5. VPS hosting costs nearly double, and the concrete5 hosting seems a bit short on bandwith, though I'm more worried about speed... What I've researched and found is that any shared hosting (like grid server) is going to be slow because it has to recompile your page every time you load it rather than caching it on the server memory.

So, does anyone have a blazing FAST server they're running concrete5 on? Or does anyone have a list of Concrete hosted sites that I can speed test?

frz replied on at Permalink Reply

If the bandwidth limits on the $15/month account seem low to you, give us some info about your site and requirements through the custom server link on that page.

You're right, anything hosted on "the cloud" has always seemed slow to me. I think caching is only part of the issue with that approach. Grid computing works well when you have a lot of parallel process to run that need to scale quickly, setting up virtual hosts in a unix environment.. meh i'm not so sure.

Go test - it's on one of our shared hosting boxes.
TheAngelGuy replied on at Permalink Reply
Holy sh*t - monsoonworks is faster than any Drupal site I've encountered in my 12+ months trying it out and trying to learn it. ;-)

That's on a shared box?
karenalenore replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestion. Seems this is a HUGE issue concerning speed. Just reviewing all options and would like to know if anyone else has had reasonable success with any other shared hosting companies? Dan, what did you finally decide to do?
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Check out any of the C5 sites in my profile. All are on shared hosting...some with hostgator, some with other smaller name hosting company. Most of them load pretty quickly.
designerdan replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm running my site thru Concrete5's hosting. It's quite snappy. :) I'm using the $15 plan, although I think they now offer some other price points. The pages load quickly, about 1.5 seconds to load my image laden homepage. It is a *teensey* bit slow for hosting videos on their server, but I installed the vimeo player and am happily hosting my videos on vimeo and embedding them on my website. It works quite nicely and gives me some cross traffic too.

Feel free to check it out for yourself:
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
iv hosted on, after i have a bot crawl all the pages (to cache them) its quite fast, and yes its shared hosting
TheAngelGuy replied on at Permalink Reply
Man, your site IS snappy.

I think you've sold me on C5 Hosting...
princessad replied on at Permalink Reply
seriously - that loaded so quickly!
alecMTD replied on at Permalink Reply
I can see 2 hosting companies on the Concrete5's hosting page which one did you use?
hostconcrete5 replied on at Permalink Reply
here is a superfast concrete5 hosting they use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.. this is much better if you are based in UK to get a top class support as well!