Confirming terms of use at registration
Hi all,
I would like that a user has to confirm the "terms of use" (via checkbox) if he registers at my site....
Could anybody help please?
Thank you very much, Kai
I would like that a user has to confirm the "terms of use" (via checkbox) if he registers at my site....
Could anybody help please?
Thank you very much, Kai
root/concrete/single_pages/register.php should be copied in
In redirect.php eg.:
<input name='agbs' id='agbs' type='checkbox' value='alles_klar' <?php if ($_POST['agbs']=="alles_klar") echo "checked"; ?>><br>
<?php echo "Hiermit bestätige ich die <a href=''>Nutzungsbedingungen</a>,die <a href=''> allgemeinen Regeln</a> sowie die <a href=''>Datenschutzerklärung</a> gelesen und akzeptiert zu haben."; ?>
and in root\concrete\core\controllers\single_pages\register.php:
line 48: $agbs =$_POST['agbs'];
line 58: if ($agbs!="alles_klar"){
$e->add(t("Sie müssen bitte die Nutzungsbedinungen, Regeln und die Datenschutzerklärung akzeptieren."));
....with that it works :-)