Content Blocks Disappearing from Pre-Existing Pages

Hello c5 Community

The Issue:
My client has an older c5 website and they have just started noticing that a bunch of pages that once had content have lost the content completely, although the pages are still there.

I have checked the previous versions for those pages and they have no content either.

Where it is happening:
the pages with missing content are within the Experience Art / Past Exhibitions section of the site which is broken up by year. For example, the 2015 Past Exhibition pages have all their content missing except for one page "Sara Robichaud".

Site/Hosting Information:
Hosting: dedicated server
PHP Version: 5.4.40
Memory: memory_limit - 128M

In Conclusion:
We were planning to update the site at the end of this month (April 2016) but can't really do that until this issue is resolved.

Is there anyone out there that has had the same issue and found a way to get their content back?

Thanks in advance.

- Michael -
