Content bleed-over cuts off my sidebar buttons
I have a difficulty with content formatting. When I create a content block and then paste my content from another source, the content doesn't format correctly in the block. The content pushes the inner edge of the sidebar over so that it cuts off the buttons I have in the sidebar. This does not occur, of course, when I simply type some content, but I'm transferring entire articles into these blocks.
Anyone know a solution?
Anyone know a solution?

stuff like this is probably css related. if you have a link to your website that you can post here, it'll be easier to tell what's going on with it.
Thank you. I appreciate your taking the time to respond. Here is an example:
it looks like the green of the sidebar is set by a background image. if you want the sidebar that wide to fit those buttons, you're going to have to 1) remake the background image with a wider green strip, and 2) change the css of that theme to make the sidebar wider and the body thinner.
I'll give it a try.