Create a PHP web page with no HTML or BODY or other normal web page tags

I wish to create a php web page on a sub-domain of an existing site I have. The purpose is to create a page that will load another target web page and display it...but mask the loaded sites' url. Use no HTML or BODY or other normal web page tags. I have the php code that should do this...I just need to know how to create a "php only web page". I am totally new to all things website back office so any help will need to be in very newbie language

DavidMIRV replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
This is more of a php question than an 'Editing with Concrete5' but ohwell;

Sounds like your looking for

but as a recollect there's also a block on the Marketplace that can pull in via cURL and even parse via xPath expressions