Create Sibling Page From Page?

Is it possible to create a page at the same level as the page you're viewing? Or must one go through the dashboard and add a page beneath the parent?


Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
There's no nice way to achieve this..

As you wrote, either go to the dashboard or create and move it right after you've created it (which is stupid, I agree)
Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, Remo. I was overlooking the "Move/Delete" functionality on the page itself. It's definitely less convenient than being able to create a sibling directly but probably fewer clicks than going to the dashboard to create the page.

BTW, where does one submit feature requests? In the bug tracker?

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
no clue, there used to be a feature request section on but it's gone for a while...
SummitHomeStaging10111 replied on at Permalink Reply
On this same topic, I have my website, and I know there's is a way to create more pages.
I have my English pages let's say all set up, and would like to create create from each of those page, the smae pages but in a different language. Also put an link on each of those pages that can connect you to the other language.

Does this make sense?

Please help me...