Creating a Hidden Page
Hello - I'd like to create a page that is only accessible by providing users a link. What are the best permission and property settings to accomplish this? In the Full Sitemap, I have a special section called "Special Announcements" to house all these hidden pages. I'd like to make a page for "Discount Tickets" that's only available to those who have the link. Please advise on any special settings or set up. This novice thanks you!
Thank you so much! This is very easy to set up. These pages are temporary and won't be available all year. Any idea how to hold on to these pages without robots getting to them? Should I save them locally until I need them again?
As you did before set the following permission to the pages you want to deny access to everyone except admins.
Who can view this page?
-> Administrators
This will only allow logged in users of admin group to access the page.
Who can view this page?
-> Administrators
This will only allow logged in users of admin group to access the page.
-> exclude from sitemap.xml
-> exclude from nav
-> exclude from page list
-> exclude from search index
-> exclude sub pages from nav
Who can view this page?
-> Guest
This would allow anonymous users to access your page, but exclude it from navigation, search index and hide it from your sitemap.xml.
Be aware this is not a secure solution, because search engines ignoring noindex meta tags and robots.txt will be abled to see these pages and thus will be indexing them.