CropZoom in 5.5.2
Hi Guys,
Firstly thank you for 5.5.2. Well done on a great products as always
But I have to say, personally I am dissapointed with
"Replaced Picnik with built-in crop, rotate and zoom functionality. Crop+Zoom provided by jQuery Cropzoom by Gaston Robledo ("
The two most common uses from our customers are crop and resize. Often users have uploaded images that are too big, and where they don't use an image editor, its always been easy to resize in picnik. Secondly, the images used on the example cropzoom website of the girls, does not feel appropiate for business customers who might go too this link. (I know its a 3rd party site, free etc - so dont flame me for this - just saying)
Overall. was this the best option to move to? Feels like a massive loss of user experience and satisfaction to me. I know these things are free and its unfortunate Picnik is stopping its service, but it just feels like a step backwards to me.
Ps. I have not tried this in Concrete 5.5.2 yet, just responding based release notes and on visiting the cropzoom website.
Firstly thank you for 5.5.2. Well done on a great products as always
But I have to say, personally I am dissapointed with
"Replaced Picnik with built-in crop, rotate and zoom functionality. Crop+Zoom provided by jQuery Cropzoom by Gaston Robledo ("
The two most common uses from our customers are crop and resize. Often users have uploaded images that are too big, and where they don't use an image editor, its always been easy to resize in picnik. Secondly, the images used on the example cropzoom website of the girls, does not feel appropiate for business customers who might go too this link. (I know its a 3rd party site, free etc - so dont flame me for this - just saying)
Overall. was this the best option to move to? Feels like a massive loss of user experience and satisfaction to me. I know these things are free and its unfortunate Picnik is stopping its service, but it just feels like a step backwards to me.
Ps. I have not tried this in Concrete 5.5.2 yet, just responding based release notes and on visiting the cropzoom website.
PicMonkey includes two former Picnik engineers. Its free as they plan to make money via advertising (but did not check licence)
But this is the sort of product we ideally need to use - could Concrete5 speak to them? They also have a similar API.
As long as there is a free version, supported with advertising, does it matter? I dont feel anyone will produce a quality free online image editing product - due to amount of coding - without a revenue model.
But this is the sort of product we ideally need to use - could Concrete5 speak to them? They also have a similar API.
As long as there is a free version, supported with advertising, does it matter? I dont feel anyone will produce a quality free online image editing product - due to amount of coding - without a revenue model.
The issue is relying on anything 3rd party, period. While I'm sure it wasn't a huge undertaking to do the picnik integration, they did end up being burned as there's a ton of 5.4 version sites that are out there that might not be able to be upgraded for whatever reason, and they all lost their picnik integration and they can't even get the new stuff without upgrading.
Integrating with these guys could put them in the same boat in 6 months, while it might be a bit better I can't see concrete5 across the board again building on top of someone else's api without some sort of guarantee($$$) that it wouldn't be shut down.
If you like these guys and you want to white-label that part of the CMS for your own specific clients, then I would suggest talking to davidMIRV or JordanLev or Todd Crowe and see if it is even possible... I don't see any mention of an API at all.
Integrating with these guys could put them in the same boat in 6 months, while it might be a bit better I can't see concrete5 across the board again building on top of someone else's api without some sort of guarantee($$$) that it wouldn't be shut down.
If you like these guys and you want to white-label that part of the CMS for your own specific clients, then I would suggest talking to davidMIRV or JordanLev or Todd Crowe and see if it is even possible... I don't see any mention of an API at all.
To use Picmonkey now instead of Picnik, put the following file (image.php) in /elements/files/edit/ (not in /concrete/elements/files/edit/)
Please don't get this the wrong way but I love you - the good clean kind you understand!
This deserves like a million karma points.
Please don't get this the wrong way but I love you - the good clean kind you understand!
This deserves like a million karma points.
This might in fact be a stopgap measure or a well enough solution, but the core team was under the gun for a replacement of any sort, and I think they made a pretty decent decision.
If you can find something that is MIT/LGPL (or whatever they need) licensed, not flashed based and better than what's there then maybe someone will come along and write the code to leverage that instead.