css fails in edit mode

Hello everyone,

As the topic states my css fails in editmode.

Here is an example to illustrate my problem.

Main menu in editmode:

Main menu in normal (as it should look like in editmode):

What is coursing the problem ?
How can editmode change my css ?

Thank you in advance.

guythomas replied on at Permalink Reply
Are your photos reversed? The Edit Mode picture looks like the broken one.

Do you have a link to the page that we can view directly?

CSS troubleshooting is easiest when you use a program like firebug.
87up replied on at Permalink Reply
yes the editmode picture is the broken one. When I am outside editmode the css looks fine, but when i enter editmode the css fails.

unfortunately i can't give you access to the site yet. the site is under construction, and the owners of the site won't make it public until it is finished.
guythomas replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried firebug? It will let you right click on DOM elements and see exactly what css rules Lyare in affect.
87up replied on at Permalink Reply
okey, i will try firebug and hope that will help me solve the problem.

Thank you for the tip. :)