CSS for standard Forms
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Hi, can anyone tell me where I can edit the css for standard forms? I would like to add some effects to the default submit button.
Thanks Dakers!
Sorry, I'm kind a new to this. Maybe you can help me with the following: I want to add the following class 'bbtn btn-large btn-info' to the default Submit button. But if I open the view.css I only see this:
.miniSurveyView{ margin-bottom:16px}
.miniSurveyView #msg{ background:#FFFF99; color: #000; padding:2px; border:1px solid #999; margin:8px 0px 8px 0px}
.miniSurveyView table.formBlockSurveyTable td{ padding-bottom:4px }
.miniSurveyView td.question {padding-right: 12px}
.miniSurveyView #msg .error{padding-left:16px; color:#cc0000}
.miniSurveyView table.formBlockSurveyTable td img.ccm-captcha-image{float:none}
.miniSurveyView .required{ color:#cc0000 }
How can I add the class that aldready exsists to the submit button?
Sorry, I'm kind a new to this. Maybe you can help me with the following: I want to add the following class 'bbtn btn-large btn-info' to the default Submit button. But if I open the view.css I only see this:
.miniSurveyView{ margin-bottom:16px}
.miniSurveyView #msg{ background:#FFFF99; color: #000; padding:2px; border:1px solid #999; margin:8px 0px 8px 0px}
.miniSurveyView table.formBlockSurveyTable td{ padding-bottom:4px }
.miniSurveyView td.question {padding-right: 12px}
.miniSurveyView #msg .error{padding-left:16px; color:#cc0000}
.miniSurveyView table.formBlockSurveyTable td img.ccm-captcha-image{float:none}
.miniSurveyView .required{ color:#cc0000 }
How can I add the class that aldready exsists to the submit button?
In other words, I want 'formBlockSubmitButton' to be replaced with 'bbtn dsize btn-success' in the following code:
<input class="formBlockSubmitButton ccm-input-button" name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
<input class="formBlockSubmitButton ccm-input-button" name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
If you have a class named "bbtn dsize btn-success". You can switch out the class in the input tag.
Then I believe you can just add your css code to this ruling.
I do not have the original view file around right now. But I believe that is it.
Then I believe you can just add your css code to this ruling.
.miniSurveyView .bbtn dsize btn-success { Code here }
I do not have the original view file around right now. But I believe that is it.
Just add to your main.css the class formBlockSubmitButton and style it the way you want to.
You can find the css file in this directory:
Web Root Folder/system/blocks/form/view.css
I would suggest copying both the view.css and view.php in that directory over to:
Web Root Folder/blocks/form
This will overwrite the core form block's view and make it so future updates to Concrete5 will not overwrite your changes.