CSS for standard Forms

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Hi, can anyone tell me where I can edit the css for standard forms? I would like to add some effects to the default submit button.


DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Zillion,

You can find the css file in this directory:

Web Root Folder/system/blocks/form/view.css

I would suggest copying both the view.css and view.php in that directory over to:

Web Root Folder/blocks/form

This will overwrite the core form block's view and make it so future updates to Concrete5 will not overwrite your changes.
ZillionProductions replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Dakers!

Sorry, I'm kind a new to this. Maybe you can help me with the following: I want to add the following class 'bbtn btn-large btn-info' to the default Submit button. But if I open the view.css I only see this:

.miniSurveyView{ margin-bottom:16px}
.miniSurveyView #msg{ background:#FFFF99; color: #000; padding:2px; border:1px solid #999; margin:8px 0px 8px 0px}
.miniSurveyView table.formBlockSurveyTable td{ padding-bottom:4px }
.miniSurveyView td.question {padding-right: 12px}
.miniSurveyView #msg .error{padding-left:16px; color:#cc0000}
.miniSurveyView table.formBlockSurveyTable td img.ccm-captcha-image{float:none}
.miniSurveyView .required{ color:#cc0000 }

How can I add the class that aldready exsists to the submit button?
ZillionProductions replied on at Permalink Reply
In other words, I want 'formBlockSubmitButton' to be replaced with 'bbtn dsize btn-success' in the following code:

<input class="formBlockSubmitButton ccm-input-button" name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit">

DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have a class named "bbtn dsize btn-success". You can switch out the class in the input tag.

Then I believe you can just add your css code to this ruling.
.miniSurveyView .bbtn dsize btn-success {
Code here

I do not have the original view file around right now. But I believe that is it.
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Just add to your main.css the class formBlockSubmitButton and style it the way you want to.