css not applying properly

i have just built my first site using concrete5.

i am having some strange things occur within the content editor.

for example, i have an h1 tag applied to a heading followed by some body text.

see here:http://integrativeacupuncture.com.au/c5/training/...

the h1 tag doesn't appear to be working properly, as it isn't applying the color etc that i have specified in the css.

when i check it in html within the content editor, it looks like the h1 tag is surrounding the header properly - like this:

<p>general info about Training page content goes here.</p>

so i would think that it should be working ok, but it's not, so when i test this using firebug there is something odd going on with the h1 tag... it appears like this:

<div id="mainContent-left" <h1="">
<p>general info about Training page content goes here.</p>

any ideas what might be going wrong?

thanks in advance

mkly replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
That avatar is pretty great. So it actually looks like your div's before the h1 have and issue. If you do a CTRL+U you will see
<div id="mainContent-left"

The same seems to be said for
<div id="sidebarRight"

I would check you page template to make sure you are closing those tags like this
<div id="mainContent-left">
dolorescupcake replied on at Permalink Reply
hey mkly - omg thanks!
i can't believe i overlooked such a silly code error.
thanks for helping me out - i clearly just needed some fresh eyes on the situation to see the obvious things - really appreciate it!
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
I've been there soooo many times. Glad it sorted out.