CSS3 animated menu Links broken

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I had done an update a couple of days ago to my website and everything seemed to be working just fine. Today the navigation is broken and I cannot figure out why. I did try deleting the navigation and adding it back, still no avail. When I add a sub page the navigation does pick up the link correctly. I tried a different navigation package and still nothing. The website is canadiandatasolutions.ca if anyone wants to take a look and offer some help with this would be greatly appreciated.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
What is "broken" about the navigation, it seems to be working fine and the animation is working.
arismanp replied on at Permalink Reply
If you click on the computer support link it goes to page not found. The hosting company fixed the other links but are not sure why this one is not working.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not getting a page not found on that link, I think it's working fine.
arismanp replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I cleared the cache and it seems to have solved the issue. Thanks for looking though