rss help....

How would i go about customising the format of the rss feed?

I see that it automatically produces

.rssSummaryList .rssItem{ margin-bottom:16px }
.rssSummaryList .rssItem .rssItemTitle{ font-weight:bold }
.rssSummaryList .rssItem .rssItemDate{ color:#999999 }
.rssSummaryList .rssItem .rssItemSummary{}
.rssSummaryList .rssSummaryListTitle{font-weight:bold}

Im guessing that I need to create a block template.. Is there an example of how this is done?

Regards Craig

Cyberdave replied on at Permalink Reply
I would also like to know how this is done. Thanks
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
you can just override the css within your themes css file, which may be in different locations depending on where your theme is.

if you're having trouble overriding a specific rule, try use !important:

.rssSummaryList .rssItem{ margin-bottom:16px !important; }

or you can make the rule more explicit:

#page #body .rssSummaryList .rssItem{ margin-bottom:16px; }