Custom Attributes

I am on Concrete 5.5.0. I do not see any options such meta tags and Auto nav under Custom Attributes of a page. I am trying to exclude a page from Auto_nav. Also when I click on save button, the while spins forever and nothing happen. I am having same behavior on three different servers, with Concrete5 5.5.0.
This issue does not let me change custom attributes of a page, and also, I am unable to change metage tags of a page.

See attached picture.

1 Attachment

pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you install an empty site or select to install sample content? The site I have installed with sample content has all the expected attributes installed.
ssiddiqi replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear pvernaglia,

Thanks for prompt reply. I installed sample contents on all three C5 installations. All of them have same behavior. Is there way to manually re-install sample contents. Just for the sake, if it resolves the problem.
ssiddiqi replied on at Permalink Reply
This custom attributes seems to be an issue. I did a clean install with Sample Site. Same issue, nothing under Custom Attributes as I posted before and hiting Save button will have wheel spin forever.
I am not sure what is going on? Is it a bug in 5.5.0? Maybe I will install 5.4.x and see if it rectify issue.
ssiddiqi replied on at Permalink Reply
Update: It seems be issue with C5 version 5.5.0. At least in my hands with fresh installs on 4 different machines. At one machine, I installed Concrete5 version 5.4.2, and Custom Attributes are available, then I upgraded to version 5.5.0 and I had same issue as reported in my very first post. Well, at least on my machines, it is a serious bug, I ma going to downgrade all the machines to version 5.4.2 and wait for next vesion of Concrete5. I noticed some other minor bugs with version 5.5.0, while 5.4.2 seems to be much more smooth. I am not sure what functionalities will I loose by down grading to version 5.4.2.