Customizing Greek Yoghurt Theme

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Hi, I'm brand new to web design and I'm trying to customize the Greek Yoghurt theme. All I'm doing is changing the background/footer background colours and it shows up in the preview box of the site but when I return back to my website nothing has changed.
Why is this? thanks

PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
How exactly are you changing the colours etc?
EESU replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Going to Dashboard > themes > clicking customize next to greek yoghurt > then i attached a screenshot of what i'm using
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Yeah, I just tried it myself. It doesn't show up when you click to Return to Site straight away. You need to return to site, then REFRESH the page to see changes. You can press F5 to refresh or hit the refresh button.

Please mark this as best answer to help anyone else find the solution if they are having the same problem.

EESU replied on at Permalink Reply
great, thanks a lot for the help mate :)!
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem, that's what the community is for, feel free to ask if you get stuck with anything else!
KSP replied on at Permalink Reply
Not working with Chrome. Use Safari for Mac user.