Dashboard and editing bar not showing
Hi all
I did a site for a client 2 years back, and he just contacted me since he's not able to log in anymore. Well - he can log in, but neither the dashboard nor the editing bar on top are showing. I confirmed - it's not working. There was no change whatsoever on the site, last time it worked was about 5 months ago. Dashboard can be accessed via direct URL, but there's no way to edit the pages.
Site iswww.www.confiseriesteinmann.ch,... system info is attached below. Any Ideas what that could be? I've found some threads with similiar issues, but could not get a solution out of them.
I did a site for a client 2 years back, and he just contacted me since he's not able to log in anymore. Well - he can log in, but neither the dashboard nor the editing bar on top are showing. I confirmed - it's not working. There was no change whatsoever on the site, last time it worked was about 5 months ago. Dashboard can be accessed via direct URL, but there's no way to edit the pages.
Site iswww.www.confiseriesteinmann.ch,... system info is attached below. Any Ideas what that could be? I've found some threads with similiar issues, but could not get a solution out of them.
# concrete5 Version # concrete5 Packages Area Splitter (2.0.6), eCommerce (1.8.5), eCommerce - Local Pickup (1.1.0), Expandable Content (1.0), Expander (1.0), Galleria image gallery (2.0), Gallery (1.7.0), Highlight Block (1.2), Highslide Web Albums (2.3), Image Slider (1.0.0), Kenburns Block (1.1), Nivo Slider (1.11), SQL Buddy (1.0), tcSlider (2.0.2), tnSpacer (1.2). # concrete5 Overrides languages/de_CH, single_pages/dashboard_old, themes/steinmann # Server Software Apache # Server API cgi-fcgi # PHP Version 5.3.25 # PHP Extensions bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, Core, ctype, curl, date, dom, ereg, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imap, intl, ionCube Loader, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, mysql, mysqli, openssl, pcntl, pcre, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, readline, Reflection, session, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, SPL, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, Zend Guard Loader, zip, zlib. # PHP Settings
Viewing 15 lines of 40 lines. View entire code block.
Hi! I saw this behavior few times. It could be a javascript error or html error. In your case there are html errors: confiseriesteinmann.ch, Ligne 318 Caractère 1
confiseriesteinmann.ch, Ligne 320 Caractère 1
Looks like there are missing closing div tag. Even if you didn't change the site, maybe someone had add some content with not well-formed html.
Hope this help.
confiseriesteinmann.ch, Ligne 320 Caractère 1
Looks like there are missing closing div tag. Even if you didn't change the site, maybe someone had add some content with not well-formed html.
Hope this help.
Adreco: No, that's not it, that's turned off...
ResponsiveObject: OK - what file is that in? What exactly do I need to change?
ResponsiveObject: OK - what file is that in? What exactly do I need to change?
it was in your home page. Check all content block and validate their content.
I don't see an opening head tag either..
Also lines 318 to 320 appear to have two extra closing div tags..
Adding missing tags to files did not help. I found out that the client did an update a few weeks back - that must have shredded the system. Can I reverse an update he made, somehow?
Yes. You can select an older version of the page that cause the problem. In the Edit menu you have an option to select the version.
Hope this help
Hope this help
Sorry, I must have written unprecisely: I can't even log in, let alone choose a version. What the client did was an update of the entire page (to a newer version of C5), and that screwed up the site.
How can I reverse an update of the core?
How can I reverse an update of the core?
I recently had a similar problem caused by full page caching being on. Could that be the case here?
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