Dashboard stuck at "Checking for updates" with spinner

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The site is in maintenance mode. When I enter the dashboard to change that, the darkened screen is overlain with a box that spins and says Checking for updates. It never goes away, and blocks my access to the links on the page. Apparently I am one update behind. The site is on a server.
Eventually I get words under the menu bar, one says update, and if I click that, I'm back with checking for updates.

Could you please help me?
The concrete5 version is installed through ovh website.
How can I fixe this issue asap?

Many thanks for your help,

hostco replied on at Permalink Reply

Add this line of code to the bottom of this file and save it.


define('ENABLE_APP_NEWS', false);
osaglam replied on at Permalink Reply
Editing with concrete5
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi, thanks very much. I am not a technie and don 't think know how to
Access to the code. I would be very grateful if you coule advise.
Thanks again

Envoyé à partir de mon Windows Phone
De : concrete5 Community
Envoyé : 04/06/2013 04:05
À : osaglam2@gmail.com
Objet : Dashboard stuck at "Checking for updates" with spinner :
Editing with concrete5
inkhorn replied on at Permalink Reply
I had the same problem and was able to add the code and get the spinning to stop. However, I had to remove the code because it created other problems.

To access the code you will need to go to the file manager and locate the codes. If you have trouble finding it contact your host provider and perhaps they can help you.

That spinning will drive you bonkers! Whew! I need to update my site also but I don't want to break what's working as I am learning more then I want to! LOL!
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
File Manager?
You need to access your folders and files via an ftp program or your servers control panel,
In the "root" of your site look for a folder called "config", open that folder and find a file called "site.php",
Put the file into edit mode and add the code that @Hostco posted for you,
Save the file and try accessing your site again.

Please note there is also a folder called "config" located at "root/concrete/config" do not edit that one..
inkhorn replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, yes, the good ol' ftp way!

I'm not a techie either so I've learned how to go through the cpanel to work things out but I'll definitely keep your instructions should I run into this problem again.

Thanks bunches!