Delete Folder super-user only - Help

OMFG I've just started upgrading our sites to Concrete v5.6.2.1 and I'm very very unhappy that C5 have now restricted deleting folders to the Super user only.

Does anyone know how to get this 'feature' working for other users. We have a large number of different access levels in our C5 sites and telling our clients that they will now have to delete pages one by one will not impress them.

Why have the C5 team done this? Its a big step back in functionality, I know its slow, but you don't fix things by sweeping them under the carpet.

I just want to chek that I'm not going mad, and there is no workaround. I've messed around with task permissions but cannot get it working.

Thanks in advance

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
what do you mean by "folder"? The file manager uses sets and not folders.. Not sure what you actually want to delete...
benede replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Remo,

Sorry wasn't very clear. In the Sitemap I cannot delete a folder. Where a folder is a page with 1 or more pages underneath.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
This isn't a super user issue, that's probably a problem with messed up permissions. Can you try and re-apply the permissions on the pages in question?
benede replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I've just tried going to the folder (parent page),
removing my user group from Edit access
Just to be sure I then tried deleting that folder and I get an access denied.

Then logged back in as Super user,
Added back in the Edit access

On second browser
logged in as the group user
tried deleting and I still get the same error - image attached for prosperity

I've checked task permissions and any other permission but there is nothing to specifically allow the user to delete 'folders'. This site I'm testing on is a blank install as well so its not like the upgrade has broken things.

Any ideas, am I missing something obvious?

rpro replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever come up with a solution? We are having the same problem..
benede replied on at Permalink Reply
No real solution, I hacked in a fix in the code to allow other users to delete.
Which I now have to merge in every time I upgrade which is a bit of a pain.
rpro replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeh, that's the thing we would like to avoid in the future too. But thanks for the answer :)