Delete from form results folder

Plase I need some help with that, I read alot to figure out the problem but nothing help.
I create a page that has form, and i got many with the same page name in the form results folder. I test the form and I got the submission on the last one. So, I tried to delete all the older versions of this page but nothing happen. What should i do?
I attcahed the picture to show you what i means ,,

1 Attachment

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Make sure you have not put the form in a 'Sitewide' area.
2. Delete all old page versions of the page in which it resides.
asma replied on at Permalink Reply
I did delete the old versions and it is not in the sitewide also. But still the problem didnt solved:(
asma replied on at Permalink Reply
I did delete the old vesrions from the versions.. is this is wha do you mean or I need to delete them from database or something in the backend folders?!