Delete an Alias?

Why can't I delete an alias from the Sitemap in the dashboard? It just comes up as "You are not allowed to delete this file?". I'm logged in as the super user.

I can't seem to do anything with it. If I reorder it, it doesn't save in that order.

Am I missing something? Bug?


Graphikos replied on at Permalink Reply
Well after a lot of fussing I figured it out. You have to visit the page using the 'Visit' link from the sitemap.. then use the delete link provided on the toolbar.

Aliasing a page seems buggy. I still wasn't able to move them even if I went to the site to "approve the move". It wasn't showing up in the auto-nav either. Guess I'll stick to just using external links to reference an existing page.


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah that shouldn't be. I just made and deleted an alias from the sitemap no problem.

I have noticed ordering issues with aliases in sitemap in the most recent release candidate however. Always seems to show up as the second item in a set (which is probably #1 and kinda makes sense as a bug)

All of that probably deserves a second look with the caching stuff now.. you are running a 5.2 version right?
Graphikos replied on at Permalink Reply
Well.. 5.2RC2. Didn't realize there was an upgrade. I'll try the new version.

And yes, it was always showing up as the second item in the tree. Any alias I make does the same behavior. Still doesn't show up in auto-nav either.

Thanks for looking into it. Keep up the good work.
