Developing the Template
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Hi All,
I am very new to Concrete5 and the template I have drawn up is basic. Main Body = It literally is the span of the page.
Its now time for me to go a little deeper into it for future projects and would like to add a simple right side bar to the page top add some links.
I have written the code and indicated this in my main.css but just wanted to know where the file goes. Is it in the custom themes file outside the elements folder or in it? Or somewhere else?
I am very new to Concrete5 and the template I have drawn up is basic. Main Body = It literally is the span of the page.
Its now time for me to go a little deeper into it for future projects and would like to add a simple right side bar to the page top add some links.
I have written the code and indicated this in my main.css but just wanted to know where the file goes. Is it in the custom themes file outside the elements folder or in it? Or somewhere else?
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); $this->inc('elements/header.php'); ?> <div id="content"> <div id="right-sidebar"> <?php $as = new Area('Sidebar'); $as->display($c); ?> </div> <div id="right_sidebar"> <?php $b = new Area('Main'); $b->display($c);
Viewing 15 lines of 20 lines. View entire code block.
Thanks for the quick reply, the file is with the main.css file outside the elements now. I have written the code and FTP'd it. I have refreshed the page and there is now a gap to the right where I have edited the main content area, but no new side bar area.
The "add new area" is this snippet of code added to header? I have done this, but its still not showing up.
Many thanks for the help, this all may seem basic stuff so I'm sorry if it comes across as a little dense.
Download a free theme from the marketplace, its easier to see,
Thanks for the advice- I have looked at some templates, but they have not really given me much direction. But thank you anyway.
Really to be honest, I want to know what I am doing wrong so that I have a firmer understanding of the process is- so will continue to wait till I can find some tutorials on the net, or if someone can spot the issue.
I attach the url of the testing site- some pages don't size up in terms of images as they over lap, but thats just because I have edited the initial template and will go and tidy up the extras when I find the answer to this problem. By looking at the link, people might have a better understanding of what the problem might be.
Many thanks though. :D
Really to be honest, I want to know what I am doing wrong so that I have a firmer understanding of the process is- so will continue to wait till I can find some tutorials on the net, or if someone can spot the issue.
I attach the url of the testing site- some pages don't size up in terms of images as they over lap, but thats just because I have edited the initial template and will go and tidy up the extras when I find the answer to this problem. By looking at the link, people might have a better understanding of what the problem might be.
Many thanks though. :D
try this. (attached) its in wiki format, but you should be able to read it.
try this site, i think this site might help you to create a template or even a website.
Hi there,
thanks for the response, I found the solution and am not needing a new hosting package- but nice try.
thanks for the response, I found the solution and am not needing a new hosting package- but nice try.
once you have the html in the place you want it, you just make a new area,