Different or Multiple Navigation Blocks

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Hi All, I've had a search through the how to's and can't find anything on adding multiple navigation blocks to pages / sites.

I've used the autonav block in the past, is there a way you can specify and choose exactly which pages show in the nav?

My example is this:

I have a front-end public page(s) that will display a navigation for anyone (guests) to see. But when users login or register, I want them to be able to see another navigation which is only accessible to registered users - it is not necessary to see the old navigation after they login, it will be a different page type altogether.

Thanks in advance!

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
If you set the permissions on the pages correctly, then only the registered users will see those pages in the autonav.

Have a look at your permissions and test them out.
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks ada, but how do I then not show the publicly viewable nav to the registered user (I want to discard those pages in the nav on the members navbar) if that makes sense... Or I am thinking about this all wrong?
adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
At the moment there is no exclude permissions, but there will be in a short future.

You could though, create a members area and have the autonav to only display pages beneath that page.

Edit: You can also have two autonavs set up and use the 'Guest Views' add-on on the autonav only guests would see. http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/guest-views/...

That way as soon as a user logs in the 'Guest Autonav' will be hidden and the autonav containing the 'Members Autonav' will be shown since the permissions in use will only show the pages in that autonav if you are logged in.

Edit2: The above suggestion will look a bit funky in edit mode, though.
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeap, I think that's what I'm trying to do... so you make a structure like this:

Contact Us
How to's
Submit Article
System Pages.. etc

... And then you pick in Display Pages: Beaneath a particular page and pick the Members Page?

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply

To make things easier for you, I would suggest you create a 'Test' (or give it another random name) page in your top level and set the attribute to not show in autonav.

That way you can browse directly to yourdomain.com/test and test different autonav settings without having anyone else fiddling with it or landing on the page. You can also browse to that page as a guest or another registered user to find out if you have the correct settings.
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeap cool thanks again Ada. I normally don't do this sort of stuff, but it's for a friend, so what can you do...

This site has nearly 20,000 members coming on board from a facebook group.... far out, pressure is on! haha!