Disable Links in Power Slider Lite?

Does anyone know how to disable the links in Power Slider Lite? Even though the links aren't set, when you click the images they take you to the home page which is confusing people. Any ideas?

12345j replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
ask in the power slider support.
Eilbeck replied on at Permalink Reply
Find Michaelg power Slider Lite folder in Packages /../. Find view.php and remove href on line 35
<a class="powerSlide" href="<?php  echo $theLink ?>">

to this:
<a class="powerSlide">
rickg75 replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you SO MUCH for this hint! I'm a complete newbie in concrete5, and thanks to your help, I managed to add custom CSS clases for each of the texts and subtexts by editing that view (a simple counter and a couple of print statements inside the foreach). Now I can choose the positioning for the text of each different slide directly from my CSS!
MaggieLine replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried the same but it didn't work, is there anything else that needs to be changed? any other document? I used the search and replace in the view.php file so if there are several links it should have overwritten all of them, but still it redirects onto the index.php :(