Disappointment with C5

Hi there,

At the moment I couldn't be more disappointed with the new c5 update. I have a bug that "checks for updates" constantly, and the previous advantages of c5, were that my knowledge didn't have to be awesome to cope with the program, however, now I see no way that I can revert back to the previous version. I can't see my backups on the dashboard, nor administer anything due to the continual "checking for updates" Javascript on the screen. Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this? I would like to to be able to edit my non-profits site, which now i stupidly updated.

eleina329 replied on at Permalink Reply
same problem here...
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
You could get around it by disabling newsflow in your config.


Add that, and you should be able to get around it until someone can bring a proper answer, and at the least make the edits you need to.
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
You beat me to it. This is the proper answer.
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
I meant an answer on how to have the news overlay function without having the load error. I remember reading how it was solved, and what the culprit is, but can't seem to remember the cause. Either way if you cant have your cake, and eat it too, at least you can have the cake.
hostco replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Add this to your site.php file located at


define('ENABLE_APP_NEWS', false);
eleina329 replied on at Permalink Reply
you guys rock....it worked....thanks a lot
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
When your in look for add-ons that aren't compatible with your version. There's a handful of add-ons that are still being updated, and you may want to remove the ones that aren't compatible. This may even be the cause of the load error.
scorpa54 replied on at Permalink Reply
You can also change line 79 in concrete/config/app.php from true to false like:
if (!defined('ENABLE_NEWSFLOW_OVERLAY')) {
   Config::getOrDefine('ENABLE_NEWSFLOW_OVERLAY', false);