Discard My Edits doesn't always discard edits
I'm new to C5 and right now evaluating the demo I have set up. What puzzled me first is that Discard My Edits button doesn't always discards edits - depending on what properties have been changed. For example, if on a demo site I change some properties (say, the order in which "Pages Should Appear") in the Sitewide Header Nav, the Editing toolbar suggests that I can Discard My Edits (or preview and/or publish). Turns out, that actually these changes cannot be discarded - clicking Discard My Edits doesn't change anything.
I think it is confusing, no?
I even had an impression that these changes are published immediately - until I signed out and noticed that the changes I made are not published. When I signed in again, I saw the notification popping out - "the page is awaiting approval". OK, this means the change I made is saved immediately (with no possibility to undo/discard) but not yet published. I get the idea, but what's confusing imo is that this notification quickly disappears and is never displayed again. Furthermore, is there a place where I could see a list of all pages awaiting approval (and maybe approve some/all of them)? I couldn't find one.
I think it is confusing, no?
I even had an impression that these changes are published immediately - until I signed out and noticed that the changes I made are not published. When I signed in again, I saw the notification popping out - "the page is awaiting approval". OK, this means the change I made is saved immediately (with no possibility to undo/discard) but not yet published. I get the idea, but what's confusing imo is that this notification quickly disappears and is never displayed again. Furthermore, is there a place where I could see a list of all pages awaiting approval (and maybe approve some/all of them)? I couldn't find one.

Hey hey... Doesn't anyone have any word on this subject? At least, I'm still really wondering is there a place where I could see a list of all pages awaiting approval (and maybe approve some/all of them)...
That's almost my problem exactly. What my site shows on its home page is completely different to what it shows when I try to edit, which is pretty useless. I just want to be able to edit the home page as it is now...
Has anyone ever come up with anything here? I just tried some things and I can't get back to where I need to be. This is a real problem.
I tried it a few times. I just deleted the versions created that I didn't want and that seemed to do the trick. Hope that helps.
I'm not exactly sure whether your problem is identical to the original question but here's how you find pages awaiting approval.
Head to Dashboard->Page Search. Choose 'Advanced Search' and add 'Approved versions' as a search criteria. Choose 'Unapproved' and hit the search button.
One thing that isn't explained very well is that the Admins will always see the most recently created version that was 'saved' through the 'Preview My Edits' button. The regular visitor will see the 'Approved' version. In order for the Admin's to see this approved version while logged in, either hover over the page's Edit button and choose 'Versions' and click on each version or hover over the Edit button and choose 'Preview as User' and you can see how each type of user will see the page.
When editing a 'Sitewide' block, you are actually creating a new version of a 'Global Stack' which is part of the page but a separate thing. You can revert back to previous versions of a stack through Dashboard->Stacks. Open a stack and there is a 'Versions' button where you can approve previous versions of the stack.
Hope this helps.
Head to Dashboard->Page Search. Choose 'Advanced Search' and add 'Approved versions' as a search criteria. Choose 'Unapproved' and hit the search button.
One thing that isn't explained very well is that the Admins will always see the most recently created version that was 'saved' through the 'Preview My Edits' button. The regular visitor will see the 'Approved' version. In order for the Admin's to see this approved version while logged in, either hover over the page's Edit button and choose 'Versions' and click on each version or hover over the Edit button and choose 'Preview as User' and you can see how each type of user will see the page.
When editing a 'Sitewide' block, you are actually creating a new version of a 'Global Stack' which is part of the page but a separate thing. You can revert back to previous versions of a stack through Dashboard->Stacks. Open a stack and there is a 'Versions' button where you can approve previous versions of the stack.
Hope this helps.