displacement of block
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Hello I am new to concrete5. I use the version, and I have problems with moving default blocks in my custom theme.
When I try to move a block in another area, the icon displacement which is located at the top right of the block is not activated.
I should probably give you more details, but I do not know.
So here are the things I use javascript plugin fullpage.js, and I make a page_theme in my theme.
I provide bootstrap assets because i have experiment issue with the grid if i don't provide it.
When I try to move a block in another area, the icon displacement which is located at the top right of the block is not activated.
I should probably give you more details, but I do not know.
So here are the things I use javascript plugin fullpage.js, and I make a page_theme in my theme.
<?php namespace Application\Theme\Mytheme; use Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme; class PageTheme extends Theme{ protected $pThemeGridFrameworkHandle = 'bootstrap3'; public function registerAssets(){ $this->providesAsset('javascript', 'bootstrap/*'); $this->providesAsset('css', 'bootstrap/*'); $this->requireAsset('javascript','jquery'); } }
I provide bootstrap assets because i have experiment issue with the grid if i don't provide it.
Thank you for the quick reply.
I tried to apply your advice.
I first check that jQuery does not load twice, and it's loading once.
Then I try with different browser, but no js error.
Finally, I turn off the fullpage.js plugin, and the icon of movement has appeared, but I could not use it. A crossed circular icon appear and I can not let go of the block in another area or column.
I tried to apply your advice.
I first check that jQuery does not load twice, and it's loading once.
Then I try with different browser, but no js error.
Finally, I turn off the fullpage.js plugin, and the icon of movement has appeared, but I could not use it. A crossed circular icon appear and I can not let go of the block in another area or column.
In full.js you also have core CSS "jquery.fullPage.css" mabye in your case this is CSS conflict (C5 admin VS your theme).
Add this to your wrapper to your code:
+ remember to close the wrapper div
Post about this issue:
Sass solution for this issue:
Add this to your wrapper to your code:
<body> <div class="<?php echo $c->getPageWrapperClass()?>">
+ remember to close the wrapper div
Post about this issue:
Sass solution for this issue:
Sorry for the late reply, I could not identify myself to answer, but Franz (thank you) solved the problem.
I did what you recommended me but also other thing. Too many to remember them. But to summarize I had another plugin that was a conflict with the CMS.
thank you for your help
I did what you recommended me but also other thing. Too many to remember them. But to summarize I had another plugin that was a conflict with the CMS.
thank you for your help
In your code you tell C5 use the core Jquery asset if you also link to this asset in the theme it will cause a lot of problem (breaks, performance, and so on).
Solution: look at your theme code and delete the jquery src link. Also you can inspect your html and "ctr+f" --> value "<script src="- mabye you have more conflicts (not only jquery)
Read more her (In the start its little confusing - but in the video you see jquery conflict and the solution):
The "opposite" direction is your boostrap javascript you provide missing some plugins (if you use the complete boostrap js this is not the problem).
** Also clear cache
** Check JS errors in chrome/firefox