Drag columns?

Hi, in the main video introducing Concrete5 there's a section that shows free dragging of what looks like a block area. Can someone point me to that feature?

Many thanks.

siton replied on at Permalink Reply
In C5 blocks lives inside areas.

Areas = Editable areas. In your themes you set this Editable areas. They are like structure boxes waiting for content.
<?php   $a = new Area('my area example'); $a->display($c); ?>//$c = current page

Inside "my area example" you can add blocks (one or more with the "plus" icon in top bar menu).

After you added a block to area A you can drag and drop him to area B or change the order of the blocks inside area A (Only the blocks is draggable not the area itslelf)

Look at this video:
natzure replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks very much. I totally missed this.


-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community [mailto:discussions@concretecms.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 12:18 AM
To: byron.cann@gmail.com
Subject: Drag columns? : Editing with concrete5