Hi, in the main video introducing Concrete5 there's a section that shows free dragging of what looks like a block area. Can someone point me to that feature?
Areas = Editable areas. In your themes you set this Editable areas. They are like structure boxes waiting for content.
<?php$a=new Area('my area example');$a->display($c);?>//$c = current page
Inside "my area example" you can add blocks (one or more with the "plus" icon in top bar menu).
After you added a block to area A you can drag and drop him to area B or change the order of the blocks inside area A (Only the blocks is draggable not the area itslelf)
-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community [mailto:discussions@concretecms.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 12:18 AM
To: byron.cann@gmail.com
Subject: Drag columns? : Editing with concrete5
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Areas = Editable areas. In your themes you set this Editable areas. They are like structure boxes waiting for content.
Inside "my area example" you can add blocks (one or more with the "plus" icon in top bar menu).
After you added a block to area A you can drag and drop him to area B or change the order of the blocks inside area A (Only the blocks is draggable not the area itslelf)
Look at this video: