Duplicate titles & meta from blog pagination pages

Hi there,

I've searched the forums for a resolution to this and I'm not sure one has been found but wanted to query just in case.

I have a blog page list on my home page of my site where 3 blog entries show up and then there are next and previous pages for the rest of the blog entries, so essentially 8 versions of the home page.

These 8 versions of the home page all have the same title and meta description. The SEO person on this project is not happy as it's diluting the credit that the home page should be getting from Google.

I'm looking to find a fix to have the paginated pages have different titles and meta descriptions.

Here is example of page 2:

I've seen this thread:


But it was from 2012 and I'm using

I've tried this option, but I got a fatal error:


And it also says in this article that I shouldn't do the above?


So I'm at a stand still with a cranky SEO lady :(

Any help is greatly appreciated!

