Ecommerce add on - Customer choices

Hi I have 400 products at present in my ecommerce add on section I have run into a few issues / problems that I could do with some help / advice on with configuring Customer Choices.

Question 1.

Although I have shortened the text in Customer choices to around 40 characters and appears to fit in within the product page, it has pushed my product images to the right so that only half of the image is showing. Unfortunately I cannot shorten the descriptions any more and I want to keep my images to the right (Not Top, Left, Below etc). is there a way to fix this?

Question 2.

My customer choices contain 11 different warranties per product. Do I have to create my customer choice option (am using SELECT -PRODUCT PRICE)for each product? I have 400 products and rising, this would take ages to do individually...

Question 3.

Is it possible to show a default option in customer choices, currently I have a blank line but would be nice to have a default line saying "Please Select Option"

Question 4.

When I edit an option in Customer Choices and save. I click Update Attribute. but it does not update my changes / edits. I s this a bug? I am having to start afresh every time I want to chang my customer choice descriptions.

Aprreciate any help on this



zanedev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi did you ever figure out an easy way to manage this? I would like to add a set of default customer choices to make it easier to assign multiple customer choices to a product.
blokeybloke replied on at Permalink Reply

I did everything manually!
