eCommerce - charging taxes

Hi community,

I have the full eCommerce running on my client's website. Everything is working perfectly, except that it doesn't charges the taxes during checkout. I have checked the checkbox for "charging taxes' in the products properties. I'm helpless right now because I really don't know what I'm doing wrong!

Take a look, here's the client's website :

Thanks in advance for your help :)

Michael C

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the same issue?

VAT was showing yesterday, now it seems to have vanished?

Mirrored eCommerce settings on local setup and everything works?

Don't remember doing anything wrong apart from add need products and 'style' the 'order.php' and 'receipt.php' files?
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Now it seems to have vanished on my local set up?

Tried adding different tax amounts, wouldn't show.

Deleted all taxes and started afresh.

Added VAT back in - nothing.

All buttons are set, but tax will not show?

Cleared cache, logged out, logged in, still nothing?
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Fixed my issue.

I had 'State/Province' set to my 'County' in the UK!

Reset 'State/Province' to 'Choose State/Province' and all is well.

Maybe it should be documented for twits like me?
michaelcaissie replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes it works!

I changed it like you did for "choose state/province" and now it works :)


Michael C
lacoccin replied on at Permalink Reply
Works for me too,

I went to the attributes for the orders: .../index.php/dashboard/core_commerce/orders/attributes/

I change the "Address" settings as described by Steevb for :
1- "Billing".
2- "Shipping".

thank you.