eCommerce Shipping prices to different Countries

Hi guys,

Is there any way within the e Commerce addon to set shipping costs dependent on the country the product purchased needs to go to?

I have a site where the client would like to add on a shipping cost to cover shipping to any country outside of the uk...

Is this possible?



s2d replied on at Permalink Reply
The built-in shipping functionality of the eCommerce add-on does not permit this. All you can do with it is set one flat shipping fee for all orders, and you can modify that flat fee on a per-item basis. The eCommerce add-on has no built-in modifiers that take shipping destinations into account.

What you would have to do is get the USPS and/or UPS add-ons (that's right - add-ons for the add-on, and they're $35/ea.) and then the actual shipping fees would be automatically calculated based on shipping weight, dimensions, and destination.