Edit Bar being finnicky
For some reason my edit bar seems to be glitching up on occasion where the dashboard button, and publish edits buttons don't work. Every other part works, and tabbing over to publish edits does work, but this is a big nuisance. Any idea what may cause this?

Has anyone else had this problem?
Yes, just today I noticed that all of a sudden I can't get into a "full" edit mode on one of my site pages that I have set the internal link to open in a new window. When the page first opens <http://www.crossville1stnaz.org/index.php/cal/... > the "Edit" tag shows in the upper-left corner, but when I hover my cursor over it, no drop-down menu appears, and when I click on it a window opens that appears to have all the blocks in edit mode (the dotted lines around them)but the grey edit menu at the top is totally blank and no pop-up edit menu appears when I click on a block. Another oddity is that the URL is weird! < It appears as:http://www.crossville1stnaz.org/index.php?cID=238&ctask=check-o... > It normally appears with justhttp://www.crossville1stnaz.org/index.php?cID=238.... Haven't figured this one out yet. Hopefully someone will respond with a suggestion to fix.
I have managed to work around some of the issues by adjusting heights and widths using percentages so that I could eliminate any Z-indices, however my dashboard button still doesn't work. This isn't anything more than a nuisance now, but I will be handing over the product for content fill soon, and eliminating this issue would help a ton. Now only the dashboard button doesn't work, anyone have some ideas?