Edit block only

I've created a group and gave a block edit permissions for this group but when a user in the group logs in they don't have an edit button in their toolbar. If I give the group full edit permission on the page they have the edit bar.

Is this how it's supposed to work? Do I have to override all other areas on a page to give a user permission for only one area?

adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Yes, that is as designed.

You need to give the user edit permissions on the page and then apply the correct permissions on the areas and blocks.

This is a great video (although the sound is a bit off) on the new permission system in c5 v. 5.6: http://www.concrete5.org/about/blog/concrete5-sightings/check-out-a...
hansen03 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the response. I was hoping it was as simple as adding them to the bock but I guess I'll have to add them to the page and remove them from what I don't want them to have access to.
