Edit button missing after update to

I have updated Concrete to

Now I can't see the edit button after I log in to the dashboard.
Weird is that the edit button is missing only on the home page.

Anyone have any experience with this?


vlad0panek replied on at Permalink Reply
sorry... the site ishttp://www.duffhouse.org.uk
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You have an error on your home page,
here is the message viewed at the bottom of the source code..
Fatal error: Call to undefined method ImageBlockController::get_image_object() in D:\Websites\Duffhouse\helpers\menu.php on line 78
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Looking a little deeper, it could be you have an old menu.php file in an over-ride folder (root/helpers),
Try removing it or replace it with one from your upgrade core..
vlad0panek replied on at Permalink Reply

I can't find any menu.php in helpers folder in the update folder, so I can't replace it (the other menu.php, in different folders, code look totally different so I didn't try them.)
I tied to delete it and there is no change...
I still get the grey bar appearing, but no functionality on it.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you upgraded your addons, are you using an addon that makes use of the image helper, such as designer content, if so see if you can upgrade it..
Sorry I am not more help..
vlad0panek replied on at Permalink Reply

Unfortunately no. It's almost clear installation of Concrete. The only custom think there is is the theme and the gallery slider.

You are helping a lot, thank you.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Check your packages folder for addons you are NOT USING, any you do find, uninstall through the dashboard DO NOT JUST DELETE THEM
I think you will find an instance of designer content..
vlad0panek replied on at Permalink Reply

Yup you are right there are some folders there ... i will try to find them and update the needed and delete the not used ones.
