Edit Mode URL mess up
Hi there,
I got the following: I sign in to my site and edit bar is there. I navigate to the page I want to edit using top nav.
The URL for that page is shown as: mydomain.com/page
Edit bar has disappeared. I go back home, edit bar has disappeared.
Site acts as if I have logged out.
To reach a page in edit mode I have to go through the sitemap in dashboard. Then the page URL shows as mydomain.com/index.php?cID=155
If I tick the box: Stay logged in on site the edit bar also disappears, but this time there's an empty space where the edit bar should be and the footer showes I am logged in.
I never had this problem before, it started on a live site, just recently.
It happens in any browser.
I am using Treviso Theme
Can anyone help me with this?
I got the following: I sign in to my site and edit bar is there. I navigate to the page I want to edit using top nav.
The URL for that page is shown as: mydomain.com/page
Edit bar has disappeared. I go back home, edit bar has disappeared.
Site acts as if I have logged out.
To reach a page in edit mode I have to go through the sitemap in dashboard. Then the page URL shows as mydomain.com/index.php?cID=155
If I tick the box: Stay logged in on site the edit bar also disappears, but this time there's an empty space where the edit bar should be and the footer showes I am logged in.
I never had this problem before, it started on a live site, just recently.
It happens in any browser.
I am using Treviso Theme
Can anyone help me with this?
Can you post URL so we can look?
Cannot see anything obvious.
Are you still having an issue?
What has been changed to upset the site?
Are you still having an issue?
What has been changed to upset the site?
Hi Steeve, I didn't do anything with the site except change the video on the front page, and I don't think this can be an issue. I neither installed nor deleted any theme or add on, nothing. That's what's so strange. The only thing I did was get WIN 7 instead of WIN XP. But that also should be no issue, since it doesn't affect any other site I am working with and there are a lot of them.
Has hosting provider changed anything?
No I don't think so, at least I was not notified.
Is there something I can do about this in the htaccess file maybe?
Is there something I can do about this in the htaccess file maybe?
I didn't get this solved yet, any ides anyone? Btw, on my laptop at home running windows vista I don't have the problem, only on my PC in the office, running win 7