Edit Page button doesn't work
I ask for your kind help with the following problem on my site: the "Edit Page" button doesn't work, with the "javascript:void(0)" link appearing on the bottom toolbar of the browser. The same problem was already reported in other posts (see links below), but I don't know how to proceed. Following grorog recomendation, I've looked for the javascript problem. Using the console in chrome, I found the error to be:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URLhttp://www.catalunyapresenta.org/... from frame with URLhttps://plusone.google.com/_/+1/fastbutton?url=http%3A.....open%2C_r... Domains, protocols and ports must match.
That is, the problem seems to come from the google+ button. As I cannot access the edit mode, I don't know how to remove the google+ button or how to deal with the problem. Can somebody help me please? (as you see, I'm a beginner)
thanks a lot,
I'm using version (I fear problems in updating) and the plain yogurt theme.
Links to previous posts with the same problem:
I ask for your kind help with the following problem on my site: the "Edit Page" button doesn't work, with the "javascript:void(0)" link appearing on the bottom toolbar of the browser. The same problem was already reported in other posts (see links below), but I don't know how to proceed. Following grorog recomendation, I've looked for the javascript problem. Using the console in chrome, I found the error to be:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URLhttp://www.catalunyapresenta.org/... from frame with URLhttps://plusone.google.com/_/+1/fastbutton?url=http%3A.....open%2C_r... Domains, protocols and ports must match.
That is, the problem seems to come from the google+ button. As I cannot access the edit mode, I don't know how to remove the google+ button or how to deal with the problem. Can somebody help me please? (as you see, I'm a beginner)
thanks a lot,
I'm using version (I fear problems in updating) and the plain yogurt theme.
Links to previous posts with the same problem:

One more here with the same problem, is becoming annoying.
If you are adding google plus 1 with html or another html snippet than problems can occour as snippets are often not all they could be. You will need to roll back page versions on the problem page until you are at a version that no longer contains the html snippet. To do this go to your dashboard, go to sitemap, click on the problem page, click versions. Now you will see all the versions of that page, what you need to do is approve an earlier version and delete the latest, so if the current version is version 4 than approve version 3 and delete version 4, now check if snippet is gone and your buttons are back. If not approve version 2 and delete 3 and so on and so forth.
And when there's no snippets of the like?
Can you explain what you did leading up to the point where you lost your buttons ?
Since you responded in a thread where the original poster was having problems involving google plus 1, I assumed you were having the same issue.
Since you responded in a thread where the original poster was having problems involving google plus 1, I assumed you were having the same issue.
Hi Ekko, the problem has been solved, it was a tiny JS orphaned code laying around.