Edit Page button doesn't work


I ask for your kind help with the following problem on my site: the "Edit Page" button doesn't work, with the "javascript:void(0)" link appearing on the bottom toolbar of the browser. The same problem was already reported in other posts (see links below), but I don't know how to proceed. Following grorog recomendation, I've looked for the javascript problem. Using the console in chrome, I found the error to be:

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URLhttp://www.catalunyapresenta.org/... from frame with URLhttps://plusone.google.com/_/+1/fastbutton?url=http%3A.....open%2C_r... Domains, protocols and ports must match.

That is, the problem seems to come from the google+ button. As I cannot access the edit mode, I don't know how to remove the google+ button or how to deal with the problem. Can somebody help me please? (as you see, I'm a beginner)

thanks a lot,

I'm using version (I fear problems in updating) and the plain yogurt theme.

Links to previous posts with the same problem:
